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View:Indonesia, Class of 2006
The Principal of a large Islamic School in Indonesia, Kyai Husein Muhammad ran an extensive media campaign against human trafficking.
Indonesia, Class of 2006
The Principal of a large Islamic School in Indonesia, Kyai Husein Muhammad ran an extensive media campaign against human trafficking.
View HeroRomania, Class of 2006
Dedicating her time, her money, and her effort, Iana Matei operated for many years what was the only shelter in Romania for victims of human trafficking.
Romania, Class of 2006
Dedicating her time, her money, and her effort, Iana Matei operated for many years what was the only shelter in Romania for victims of human trafficking.
View HeroLithuania, Class of 2006
A social worker in Lithuania, Kristina Misiniene has tirelessly pursued support for victims, coordinated awareness campaigns, and facilitated cooperation.
Lithuania, Class of 2006
A social worker in Lithuania, Kristina Misiniene has tirelessly pursued support for victims, coordinated awareness campaigns, and facilitated cooperation.
View HeroSenegal, Class of 2006
Moussa Sow, once a street child himself, fights for street children in Senegal, providing support, services, and, when possible, reuniting them with their families.
Senegal, Class of 2006
Moussa Sow, once a street child himself, fights for street children in Senegal, providing support, services, and, when possible, reuniting them with their families.
View HeroTaiwan, Class of 2006
Peter Nguyen Van Hung came to Taiwan first in 1988 as a missionary, and now fights for Vietnamese women and workers who have been trafficked.
Taiwan, Class of 2006
Peter Nguyen Van Hung came to Taiwan first in 1988 as a missionary, and now fights for Vietnamese women and workers who have been trafficked.
View HeroUzbekistan, Class of 2006
Nodira Karimova worked with IOM, as the regional coordinator for a project combating human trafficking, and also founded her own NGO: Istiqbolli Avlod.
Uzbekistan, Class of 2006
Nodira Karimova worked with IOM, as the regional coordinator for a project combating human trafficking, and also founded her own NGO: Istiqbolli Avlod.
View HeroIndia, Class of 2006
Ms. Siddamma engages in grassroots community organizing in Tamil Nadu with the Irula caste, freeing many from bonded labor and generational slavery.
India, Class of 2006
Ms. Siddamma engages in grassroots community organizing in Tamil Nadu with the Irula caste, freeing many from bonded labor and generational slavery.
View HeroMalaysia, Class of 2006
The late Irene Fernandez was a well-known activist and advocate in Malaysia, supporting the rights of women, and the rights of Migrant workers, for decades.
Malaysia, Class of 2006
The late Irene Fernandez was a well-known activist and advocate in Malaysia, supporting the rights of women, and the rights of Migrant workers, for decades.
View HeroIsrael, Class of 2006
Rahel Gershuni, Israel's National Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator, began coordinating government efforts informally, and then was given her present position.
Israel, Class of 2006
Rahel Gershuni, Israel's National Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator, began coordinating government efforts informally, and then was given her present position.
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