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View:Peru, Class of 2005
The Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament were founded in 1850, when Sister Maria Micaela began to help the mistreated prostitutes in Madrid.
Peru, Class of 2005
The Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament were founded in 1850, when Sister Maria Micaela began to help the mistreated prostitutes in Madrid.
View HeroPeru, Class of 2014
Jhinna Pinchi survived being trafficked for sexual exploitation, and took her traffickers to court in Peru. Two of the three are now in prison.
Peru, Class of 2014
Jhinna Pinchi survived being trafficked for sexual exploitation, and took her traffickers to court in Peru. Two of the three are now in prison.
View HeroPeru, Class of 2023
Sandra Paola Hittscher has been a key figure in the fight against human trafficking in Loreto, Peru since 2016, overcoming limited funding and minimal staff to make significant strides to advance investigations and seek prosecutions of human trafficking cases.
Peru, Class of 2023
Sandra Paola Hittscher has been a key figure in the fight against human trafficking in Loreto, Peru since 2016, overcoming limited funding and minimal staff to make significant strides to advance investigations and seek prosecutions of human trafficking cases.
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