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Syeda Ghulam Fatima

Pakistan , Class of 2016

Syeda Ghulam Fatima

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TIP Award Year:


Syeda Ghulam Fatima is the General Secretary of the Bonded Labour Liberation Front Pakistan (BLLF) and a courageous human rights activist.

She has long campaigned for workers’ rights in Pakistan and, in particular, for the end of bonded labor in brick kilns and factories.  Alongside her husband, Ms. Ghulam Fatima founded and runs the Freedom Campus for Bonded Labour, a center in Lahore that provides care and legal services to victims of forced labor.

Ms. Ghulam Fatima has helped free more than 80,000 bonded laborers in Pakistan, including those working in brick kilns, agriculture, and the carpet industry, often by personally organizing and carrying out their release. Under her leadership, BLLF provides legal aid, shelter, protection, and a way back into society for survivors of forced labor.  Ms. Ghulam Fatima has helped train hundreds of women to enable them to find new livelihoods for themselves and their families, and has been a tireless advocate for legislation and government action to protect victims of human trafficking.

Ms. Ghulam Fatima serves as a voice for the estimated 2.6 million Pakistanis who work in debt bondage, bringing national and international attention to their plight.  She has persisted in her activism despite being threatened and attacked by those who oppose her work.

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