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Gita Miruškina

Latvia , Class of 2015

Gita Miruškina

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Ms. Miruškina is the lawyer for a Latvian NGO that provides critical services and runs Latvia's human trafficking hotline.

Gita Miruškina is a Latvian lawyer who, as Attorney General Loretty Lynch said in June of 2015, has a "record that speaks volumes about her unwavering dedication, her uncommon depths of compassion and sympathy, and her well-known talents for constructively assisting those who need her help the most." She has been with Safe House since they were founded in 2007, and has helped over 150 victims in over 30 cases. She is regularly consulted by other lawyers, practitioners, and judicial officials. Her professionalism and victim-focused approach has been admired and complimented by officials, international organizations, and by survivors and their families.

She is currently involved in Latvia's first prosecution for labor trafficking. She has helped Safe House to be able to offer critical services to survivors, and legal aid. Safe House and Ms. Miruškina have helped to build awareness of sham marriages in Latvia. The marriages are arranged for immigration benefits, usually between a Latvian and an EU-passport holder. Latvian women who have participated in these marriages are vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. Safe House works heavily with people who have searched for work abroad and have been trafficked as a result. Ms. Miruškina helps provide whatever legal services are required, caring for victims and helping meet their needs. In 2015, she was named as a Hero Acting to End Modern Slavery in recognition of her work combating human trafficking. 

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