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Meet the Heroes

Explore all the Heroes! Use the filters below to check out where and how they work, or view by class to make connections between Heroes working all over the globe.

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Paul Holmes
Paul Holmes

United Kingdom, Class of 2013

A world-renowned expert on human trafficking, and an ex-Scotland yard detective, Paul Holmes trains and educates about policing human trafficking.

Paul Holmes
Paul Holmes

United Kingdom, Class of 2013

A world-renowned expert on human trafficking, and an ex-Scotland yard detective, Paul Holmes trains and educates about policing human trafficking.

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Parosha Chandran
Parosha Chandran

United Kingdom, Class of 2015

Parosha Chandran is a human rights lawyer who operates out the UK. Both a cutting edge policymaker, and a practicing attorney, she has helped victims to seek justice in the courts.

Parosha Chandran
Parosha Chandran

United Kingdom, Class of 2015

Parosha Chandran is a human rights lawyer who operates out the UK. Both a cutting edge policymaker, and a practicing attorney, she has helped victims to seek justice in the courts.

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